
What is Virtual Production? A short walkthrough!

In Virtual Production, effects are generated in real-time, no waiting and no additional cost for a VFX team to put it together. Because you see the final result on screen as it is being filmed it’s alot easier to act and film it the way you want it, because you don’t have to envision what […]

In Virtual Production, effects are generated in real-time, no waiting and no additional cost for a VFX team to put it together. Because you see the final result on screen as it is being filmed it’s alot easier to act and film it the way you want it, because you don’t have to envision what it’s going to look like.

Real-time effects also enables you to get a complete and world-class production the same day! Another apparent advantage of virtual Production is that you can be anywhere you want without leaving the studio! And you can swiftly travel between winter, summer, night and day. Or you can even go live from your 3D-world!

This video was​ filmed on the fly in a break during a production in our Stockholm Studio.

Richard Frantzén

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Virtual Production

Framtidens green screen produktion
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