
We made a short film in virtual production & Unreal Engine

Since the studio was so new we didn’t have that much equipment but we set out with bare minimum as in old theater lights to light the greenscreen and a flashlight. On the Unreal Engine side we had pre-viz on set thanks to using HTC Vive as a camera tracker. To learn more about that […]

Since the studio was so new we didn’t have that much equipment but we set out with bare minimum as in old theater lights to light the greenscreen and a flashlight.

On the Unreal Engine side we had pre-viz on set thanks to using HTC Vive as a camera tracker. To learn more about that watch my tutorial here.

In Unreal Engine I also recorded every take which then makes it easy to change the background plates and later render out in high quality for comping.

Below is the final result. And to watch in higher quality click here.

Richard Frantzén

Grundare och teknisk producent

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Virtual Production

Framtidens green screen produktion
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Sveriges mest högteknologiska green screen studio
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